Sunday 6 October 2013

Slnko, tajfúny a zemetrasenia ~ My japanese weather

Keď sa povie "Japonsko," vyvstanú na mysli, okrem iného, aj tajfúny a zemetrasenia. Správy a čítanie predpovedí dokážu čosi naznačiť, ale japonské počasie treba okúsiť na vlastnej koži - asi najmä pre nás Stredoeurópanov. Ako teda vnímam klímu a počasie Tokia?

Na začiatku ma zarazila horúčosť vzduchu, páliace slnko a vysoká vlhkosť - ukázalo sa to pomerne desivou kombináciou a pot sa zo mňa doslova lial. Polovica septembra za nami a ja som sa prechádzala po uliciach v sukničke, topku a natretá opaľovacím krémom :D Teraz, keď píšem tento článok, nastal október a aj počasie sa pomaly mení na jesenné, ochladzuje sa a každý druhý či tretí deň zaprší. A keď znovu vyjde slnko, sme tam, kde aj predtým. Zdá sa, že v priemere sme niekde okolo 25°C a keď kvôli dažďu, nedajbože, klesne teplota k dvadsiatke, tak sme sa už z "príjemného chládku" prehupli do ozajstného "chladu a zimy."

A potom tu máme tajfúny a s nimi spojené vytrvalé dažde. Myslím, že tajfún Tokio nejak viditeľne nezasiahol za celý čas, čo som tu, a rozhodne mi to nijak nevadí :D Iste, riadne tu vialo a pršalo - búrka, ktorú privial tajfún č. XY. (Naposledy tu vyčíňal tajfún č. 22 a, podľa ranných správ, č. 23 celkom riadne zdevastoval ostrovy Okinawy a č. 24 je na ceste.) Predsa len, miesto, kde bývam, je skryté viac vo vnútrozemí, takže skôr sa to podobá našim víchriciam, na pobreží a neďalekých ostrovoch to musí byť nepochybne oveľa citeľnejšie. Pravdou ale je, že v Tokiu tieto posledné dni prší aj bez tajfúnov, no slnko stopy dažďa aj tak pomerne rýchlo vysuší a zhruba 5 stupňové rozdiely jednotlivých dní sa stávajú samozrejmosťou.

Na záver malý kúsok o zemetraseniach. Zatiaľ som zažila (rozumej zaregistrovala) dve. Obe boli len také maličké - že už mali dávno spat ;) Tak som i ja prvé zemetrasenie zažila počas spánku v noci na 20. 9. - zobudila som sa na jedmné, no vytrvalé trasenie. V tme a neistote som čakala, čo bude ďalej - poplach sa nekonal, bez problémov som znovu zaspala. Nakoniec sa to ukázalo na 5.3 v epicentre (pref. Fukušima), ale v Tokiu to bolo č. 2 podľa japonskej stupnice, čiže dá sa pocítiť. Druhé bolo 2. októbra; epicentrum bolo bližšie (pref. Čiba), ale citeľne slabšie. Bolo to len jedno silnejšie zatrasenie, ktoré človeka mierne pohodilo dopredu. Takže zatiaľ by som to nazvala pomalým "zabehávaním sa," ale potichu dúfam, že žiadne silnejšie zametrasenia sa nevyskytnú. No sledovanie správ na japonskej meteorologickej stanici nemôže byť na škodu.


One can read about the weather and climate, but I suppose it can be fully understood only after personal experience. And because of individual differences we perceive even weather differently, this is my view of the weather in Tokyo, startinf rom 12the September up until now.

As I mentioned earlier, I was surprised by the amazingly hot air, strong sun and high humidity. It seems now a freaking combination, feeling baked in my own sauce. Second half of September and I was still using sun-blocker, wearing just skirts and tops. Now the weather is changing slowly into a more autumn-like, it's getting colder and it rains each 2-3 days. But when the sun comes up again, we're back to the hot humidity again :D Average temperature is around 25°C and if it nears the 20 because of the rain, Japanese and other more south Asians change their vocabulary from "fine cool" to "really cold." (suzushii --> samui) No offense, I understand it must feel cold for them, just as for me the hotness for almost unbearable at first :)

Then there is the matter of Typhoons. So far I experienced just the typhoon related storms and winds and I certainly don't miss the full hit by a typhoon. I'm well satisfied with the state of things as they are, strong winds and heavy rains caused by the tropical cyclone no. XY (last typhoon caused rain was due to no. 22, and according to the morning news no. 23 hit Okinawa islands pretty badly and no. 24 is on its way.) The places exposed to high waves and strong gale on the coast must be surely more dangerous places to live in. Luckilly, I live quite far away from the sea, so I suppose we are well protected, though the ammount of rainfall might be pretty high, but sun dries it pretty well :) Truth is that there are rains not caused by typhoons lately in Tokyo. I guess tha autumn is truly on its way, however slow her pace is.

Last but not least, the earthquakes. So far I noticed two, both of them were weak (thankfully :)) and I hope it will stay like that, there really isn't need for stronger ones for me ^^ Anyway, first one came while I was sleeping - I woke up on continuous shaking from the ground and then it stopped. After a while, as there was no alarm at all, I fell asleep again - so much of the first earthquake. In its epicenter in Fukushima it was of 5.3 magnitute, but in Tokyo it was just feelable, rank 2 on japanese scale. The second one was closer and weaker, just one big toss forward and that was pretty much it. Nothing less, nothing more - people outside were chatting and laughing as usual. These series of "slow quakes" are viewed by me as a kind of a "warming up for foreigners," yet I still hope that there won't be any stronger experience. But to check on Japanese Meteorological Agency daily might be pretty useful.

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